convention center
  • 简明
  • 会议中心:一个建筑或一组建筑物,设计用于容纳大量人员并用于会议的场所。
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    寰宇斯诺克大奖赛行将首次在位于格拉斯哥的苏格兰会展中心(Convention Center)进行,届时,那个历史悠久的逐鹿还将选取一种新的赛制——随机抽签。与其花空心思留住男人,不如让男人花空心思留住自己。

  • 2


    同是十一月初,在第8届阿含·桐山杯快棋赛(Convention Center)即时威廉希尔,刘星战胜罗洗河而夺得冠军。胡耀宇和彭荃也进入了四强。

  • 3


    ...伍方会议整合 会议中心(convention center, conference center ,或称会展中心)是一个舶来品,而且主要舶自美国。

  • 4


    将于2010年8月18-21日在滨海国际会展中心(Convention Center)召开 ,

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    It wasn't until a convention center and a parking garage were built about a decade later that the mall started to be successful.
  • 2
    There wasn't a convention center around to help joining visitors and was the only nearby hotel eventually closed down for that same reason.
  • 3
    Another really good example is convention center which typically has a hotel and large meeting spaces to draw visitors to the city for major business conferences and events.
  • 百科
  • Convention center

    A convention center (American English; conference centre outside the USA) is a large building that is designed to hold a convention, where individuals and groups gather to promote and share common interests. Convention centers typically offer sufficient floor area to accommodate several thousand attendees. Very large venues, suitable for major trade shows, are sometimes known as exhibition centres. Convention centers typically have at least one auditorium and may also contain concert halls, lecture halls, meeting rooms, and conference rooms. Some large resort area hotels include a convention center.
